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Well, you've arrived - here are manuals, instructions, and other helpful CNC information
Machine Manuals
Accessory Documentation
Other Useful and Fun CNC Stuff
You've got questions - we've got answers
+ What is the difference between High-Z STANDARD and TURBO?
Great Question! Standard has lead screws (trapezium spindles) and lead screw nuts (nylatron nuts) while the Turbo has ball screws and ball screw nuts. That means the Turbo has slightly better precision, it can move faster, and it has better longevity before the screws or nuts need replacement.
+ Can I get HiWin Profiled Linear Guide rails on any of the models
Yes! Just let us know and we'll adjust the quote. Price varies depending on size - obviously:)
+ Is there any warranty?
You bet! Two years warranty.
+ Do you stock the machines in the US?
No, all machines are made to order. There is such a vast range of possible options and customizations that we would need to maintain a substantial inventory. That would mean larger costs which leads to increased prices. The vast majority of clients are perfectly happy to wait four weeks before shipment. If you can't, there is alwasy the express option. 7-10 days production time for a marginal fee.
+ Why don't you have prices on all the machines?
This ties in to the answer above. There are so many differnt options. Send us your wish list, and we will be abel to make a combination pacakge that beats buying accessories individually. Also, shipping rates and currency rates change over time. Sure, we could maintain a fixed higher price to cover. But we feel it is more fair to adjust prices according to current rates of exchange and shipping. Sounds fair, right? We think so too.